The committee met in Swindon on 8th October

G0BEQ, G4XUT, G4LDL, G0BQK, G4VXE, G6REG and G0UWS were present and apologies had been received from G8YMM and G1YGY.

Status reports were received from the GB3WH and GB3TD keepers - with all working well currently. GB3WH has been working well, now using the top antenna and coverage has improved dramatically - with the exception of at the Chairman's house!

GB3TD is due some 'routine maintenance' and Andy G6REG kindly offered to assist Rob G4XUT as he could with it.

Finances were discussed and in particular that the group's income from subscriptions does not cover the running costs of the repeaters - so we will need to encourage all users of the repeater to support them, as they are able to do. We also discussed some possibilities for reducing costs, which will be investigated and reported on in due course.

We hope to publish a group newsletter before Christmas. Tim G4VXE and Andy G6REG offered to review the website and perhaps make it easier to update.
